Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, is facing legal issues in France. The court has ruled that Durov failed to prevent the spread of illegal activities on the messaging app, such as child sexual abuse images, drug trafficking, and other crimes. French prosecutors have accused him of not sharing requested documents with authorities and allowing the spread of child pornography, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering.
Conditional Bail for Pavel Durov
Pavel Durov, 39, was arrested on Saturday. He has been granted conditional bail with the requirement that he must not leave France and must report to the police station twice a week. He is also ordered to pay a bail amount of $5.6 million.
Telegram’s Response to the Accusations
Telegram has issued a statement from Dubai, claiming that Durov has nothing to hide and that the app complies with European laws. The company argues that it is absurd to hold a platform or its owner responsible for its misuse. This case has sparked debate about the limits of free speech and the enforcement of the law. Telegram has around 1 billion users.